Quote Originally Posted by liquidformat View Post
The issue that is making this * is Heat Draining Aura as the text seems to suggest you spawn Bleakborn whenever you kill a humanoid with the aura, this would very easily create a bleakalypse since walking into any urban area would kill pretty much all the level 1 npcs in a round. That is a major issue, and * means we rate the creature without the offending ability. If we get rid of Heat Draining Aura we also have to get rid of Contingent healing 10 since it is a rider on Heat Draining Aura and without either of these abilities Bleakborn is been fairly gimped making it -0*.
I forgot the asterisk on mine.

My view was that it is completely reasonable to assume the offending ability is the ability to raise Bleakborn. Removing that does not necessitate removing the aura, or the healing. I think the ability to raise more Bleakborn, which is clearly the only problematic part, is distinct enough to be removed on its own. It's not really tethered with the aura itself in a way that would make it hard to distinguish.

Removing half of the bleakborn capabilities when you could have just as easily remove the issue in an uncomplicated and straightforward way doesn't seem sensible, IMO.