Gn0me stared at what she was now considering the fumble cut for a few moments. If this wasn’t a professional murderer than what were they a professional of, to have plotted their relative invisibility so expertly? A practiced killer would have done it in one- unless there was some kind of personal connection between this janitor and the bogey. There could exist a personal connection without John Brown being the main target. She’d have to get a look at the other guy to be sure.

Where is the third body now?” Gn0me questioned, she’d like to take a look at that one as well before a proper autotopsy. In this world you couldn’t trust much but your own eyes. But she didn’t stick around, instead moving on with her tentacles through the open door into the next room where the body of Christoper Larkin was curled up, a real fancy one this time. She leaned in close and gave him a once over.

How did you get here, jack?

I’m doing a Treatment roll for Christopher Larkin this time.