Eldeth Feldrun
Dwarf Fighter
AC: 12 HP: 25/25
PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 11
Conditions: Exhaustion (1)
Concentrating: --

Seventh Day - Cell

Still seated, Eldeth watches the spectacle before her. Tensions were running high and now with an orc added in to the mix she felt even less at ease. She shakes her head, chuckling at how the big bad orc cowed before the drow and half-drow. Her chuckle becomes louder as Nilvae mentions community. "Hah! Community! Two drow who might well turn on us at the prospect of earning their demon goddess' favor back, a brute cowed by a mushroom and a motley crew of underdark races does not a community make. At best an uneasy alliance and the sooner I am gone from here and back to my folk the better it is."

Dworic Urgrimson
Dwarf Barbarian
AC: 15 HP: 35/35
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Seventh Day - Cell

Dworic's muscles tense momentarily as conflict begins, but he relaxes once tensions die down once again. He stands, walks over to the bread rolls and takes one, splitting it and handing half to Eldeth. "We can split one," he rumbles nodding agreement with Jimjar. "If we are to get out, we must work together." His piece said, he sits and chews his bread slowly and methodically.