Well, I think that it's just the usual cultural shock between euro and us larpers.

It seem that you are a lot less carefree, easygoing on your larp, on rule as well as costume, while the ones I did, while varied if form and size, where way more... serious ? maybe not the right word. Let say passionnate. Well anyway, it's like wargaming and cosplay, it's expected if you go to a event, you will prepare for the event by painting mini and crafting your kit.
Most of the good event I've participated to have inscription a year prior, so you have no excuse to not be prepared. The newbie learn fast and get stuff, get in a group that lend them a kit, or join the NPC.

I mean, when I think "well, you could do a light kit cheap but well made" I think of those.

When I see leather vambraces on a non archer, I die a bit inside. it's just a bit of leather you have in the non dominant hand so you don't get whiped by the cord when you shoot, there is no sense to have one otherwise. It's like giving spurs to someone who doesn't ride. Sadly for many it just feel medievalish so they put it everywhere, like belts.

And when I think "well, those seem to be quite gatekeeping elitist", it's them I'm thinking of them https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mxy...gHEdxRJYC/view, not people forbiding sport shoes or boffers in their larp.

By the way, why boffer ? is that a cost saving measure, or something to have more foam, more safety than smaller latex/foam weapon ? is there is really a big number of them or is that is just a exageration ?