Dragonsong Lyrist
This lyrist uses the power of the dragonsong. That should clear everything up, right? The class has a d6 HD, 4 skill points per level, 3 / 4 BAB, good REF and WILL saves, and 2 / 5 casting progression. It also doesn't use bardic music uses for its abilities, so doesn't really need to be a bard.
First level is the song of strength, which...boosts strength. It is a morale bonus, which is decent.
Second is song of compulsion which is just suggestion, mind-affecting, language dependent, and kinda meh.
Third is flight, as the spell, and most likely the best part of the class.
Fourth is fear and just as bad as you would expect.
Fifth is even worse: a poor healing ability.
This class is simply not worth it. The abilities are mostly poor, replicated easily, and limited. You are like a poor man's bard. Just, no. 3 / 14
Honestly, this one is so bad I don't see any competition losing to it. Stay with bard to continue full bard casting. Stay with the suggested sorcerer/rogue multiclass to still be a more useful party member. Just, ew. 0 / 4
The prereqs are not great. At least the prereqs for the feat Dragonsong overlap with the rest of the class's prereqs. The skills are plentiful: concentration, diplomacy, k. (arcana), perform, all 5 except the 10 at the end. Draconic is easy and nonevil is arbitrary. I'll say 1 / 2
Dragonsong Lyrist 4 / 20