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Thread: Sniper Sphere (Spheres in Review)

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sniper Sphere (Spheres in Review)

    I don't take into account outside factors like unrelated feats when judging a sphere. Otherwise I'd be mentioning power attack and deadly aim or whatever for about 5 paragraphs every single sphere of SoM.

    Much thanks. I was wondering where I had seen Focusing Reload if it's not within Sniper sphere. But man. I do wished that it had granted you the ability to move when you reload slower than you normally could.
    Ah... I thought stances were just passive, and you just chose one. Know what? I think I'll homebrew that stances are indeed just passives, though you can only have one active at once. None of these stances I've seen are worth a swift action are that good. But I'll adjust the talent's rating accordingly.
    And the it's really rather difficult to repair magic items, but "Hey! Go destroy your loot! With an arrow!" was basically just a throw away line to exaggerate that it's bad.

    And I need to update Sniper Shot, as I did mostly forget about it.
    Last edited by SangoProduction; 2021-01-21 at 01:39 AM.