The students, Shandara could only assume, were probably talking about breaking into that new bank vault. As the young woman raised her voice, she couldn't help but peer over briefly, noting all the papers they had rolled out in front of them. Somehow they got a hold of schematics? Hm.

But that's when Shandara noticed that half-orc again. Okay, now she was sure he was following her. And what the hell was he writing down?? Now would have been a great time to be thinking about all those postings, but instead, she was now preoccupied with thinking how she was going to handle this person.

A confrontation? Risky. And would she even get any straight answers out of him? The setting probably didn't matter either. Doing so in a dark alley might spook him briefly or simply give her the chance to slip away. But being alone in a dark alley with him probably wasn't a good idea. Better, if anything, this was out in public. Out 'in broad daylight' so to speak.

Should she ignore him? Get authorities involved?? She didn't like the idea of drawing more attention to herself. And it was probably just going to be her word against his. Unless, of course, whatever he was jotting down clearly had to do with her. But it could all just be vague notes too.

Shandara realized that she hadn't really been eating or drinking for a while. She turned her attention back to her food, deciding on a course of action. Finally, after she was satisfied and had worked up the nerve, she slowly approached the half-orc, standing at his table across from him.

"Who are you working for?" she quietly asked.