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Thread: War of Shadows (IC)

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    Troll in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: War of Shadows (IC)

    Elva had been wondering if the caretaker saw something different than the man she could see when she'd been referring to him as an 'it', but now she was wondering if there had been a more personal reason for that. What little she could follow of their discussion certainly sounded a bit moe like the meeting of two estranged lovers, than of two mortal enemies. As the discussion ended without incident, Elva quickly turned around to follow the caretaker's orders, and headed once again for the cells.


    'Oh crap...' One look at Alyndra's face made her regret a lot of the decisions she'd made in the past hour or so. "Ehm... The caretaker confirmed that our new arrival is inf act a lawyer and says to make him ready for transport." she nodded at the cell. "Then I suggest we meet up with the monk, and I'll tell you everything I've learned in the past hour or so that I haven't been able to share yet in exhaustive detail... Does that sound right?" She braced for an outburst from the elf. She couldn't exactly blame her. Elva had really not been keeping the rest in the loop, though in her defense, there hand't really been much of a chance to do so.
    Last edited by DeTess; 2021-01-24 at 09:48 AM.
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