The Campus hospital

The students nods. "Yeah, we've got a couple here that caught it. None of them are doing too bad, but you'll still have to check with the doctor in charge before being allowed to see them. I reckon they could tell you most of what you want to know though." He checks a ledger. "Right, you'd need to check With Doctor Ellassa Fauxfontaine. Her office is on the second floor, then left, at the end of the hallway."

The office the student points Xavier and Z to is reasonably large, with a number of bookshelves stacked with medical texts, and a number of anatomical studies pinned to the walls. After several moments you hear hurried footsteps approaching down the half, and a middle-aged half-elf enters the room. She stops for a moment in surprise as she spots Xavier and Z, but then enters her office and takes a seat behind her desk. "Hmmm, I assume you're here because you wish to help with this outbreak we're dealing with?" She asks.