The Campus hospital

"Well then, let's see." The doctor retrieves several sheets of parchment, a pen and a bottle of ink and offers it to Z and Xavier. "I don't have a spare copy of the list of symptoms right now, so please take notes." She opens a thick folder on her desk and opens it. "No doubt you've seen the main symptoms already listed as part of our announcement to the students and artisans." She continues. "Coughing, Diarrhea, Headaches and Spells of dizziness or a feeling of tiredness are the main symptoms of the onset of the disease. In the mildest cases that's all it amounts to. In worse cases a fever appears, which can run quite hot. The fever generally breaks after a day, but if it doesn't it can kill the patient. We've noticed that patients in general show a lot of symptoms of dehydration, and the disease both causes the body to lose water at a quicker rate and to have trouble absorbing liquids in general."

"The coughing also gets worse in some patients. In a significant portion of those the disease ends up being fatal, as it attacks the lungs."

She sighs. "We haven't figured out why the disease progresses to the fatal stage in some, but not in others. The curator theorizes that we're actually dealing with two diseases, with one disease making the body susceptible to the other, but that's impossible to prove right now, and shouldn't really make much of a difference in how we approach treatment. Did you get all that?"

Once she's confirmed that Xavier and Z copied down her explanation, she continues. "We can allow you to see the patients we have here, and we'll provide you with some protections against disease, but if you do, you will have to return to the hospital two days from now and stay a day for observation. We have some alchemical labs where you could continue your work, but this part is non-negotiable. So far the disease has been mostly contained to the Stormdrains district, and we want to keep it that way."