"We'll consult with him, if we can find him. We met Elakian, but he wasn't very talkative" admittedly, the subject wasn't one he liked "And if the Tarrasque wakes up... We'll find a way to deal with it. I bet a lot of people will band together to drive it into the earth again" she assured the dragon.

"Besides, right now it's not the biggest threat I can think of" Eris frowned "There's a worst menace that I hope you'd be willing to help with- but it's something we shouldn't talk about in the open, so I'll tell you another time. But there is one other thing I believe you two should know. Abeir and Toril are joining back into one- we believe it'll take something like five years. This means that there will many more evil dragons around- and from what we've seen, on Abeir metallic and cromatic behave the same, so you'd better be wary of them both. Coincidentally, the Great Wyrm I talked about was teleported with her whole nest from there too" she sighed and focused on eating the flavored food.
"Sorry for all these troubling news while you've just gotten back" she felt the need to apologize.