3rd week of summer: Two of Diamonds

Someone leaves the community. Who? What are they looking for?

The one eyed hunter has been quiet ever since the beast of the woods was brought in. Now he has left with all of his weapons, much of his food and people report hearing him heading deeper into the woods where the beast's kind dwells. He seems to be looking for them but who could say why?

My actions:

Start A Project

Some farmers have made arrangements in the spring to buy the newborn calfs and lambs off farmers in the town. Now they need to secure enough money to make the purchases and construct an area to keep the reatures in.

Duration: 5 Weeks

dangelo's Discussion
dangelo: The dagger could be a cursed relic and should be buried with the rest of the mine; If you bring it to the High Church, they'll possibly say the same thing. Followers of the Pilgrim are usually more open-minded, but not nearly as rich or politically powerful as the more traditional church, nor does it intimidate people into following their god (or they'll burn in hell); Most of the elders follow the High Church, though.

lacco36: Don't throw away a weapon when you are given one - learn how to use it or trade it. We should wait for the pilgrim priest - he should decide if it's cursed or not - if it's not cursed, we have something to fight with. If it's not cursed and you don't want to use it, sell it. If it's cursed, let's destroy it.

JbeJ: Even if we don't wield it, something that ancient and powerful would be apprecciated as part of a shrine. Not the pigrim perhaps but an ancient weapon would be a good way to atttract a small amount of attention from a war god of any alignment.

Luccan's Discussion

Luccan: Should we be welcoming all these strangers into our community? Living alongside so much strangeness, something is bound to go wrong

lacco36: Let's say we build the shrine and even more will come! And they just want to send an acolyte - we need no fledgling cleric, but a skilled healer! Maybe we should have turned to another god - after all, there are at least three temples in the town east.

dangelo: If they look like us, speak our tongue and aren't aggressive, welcome them (even if they're weird looking fellows like the one-eyed hunter). If not, they're nothing but uncivilized barbarians.

JbeJ: We have not all been here long, it was little over half a decade ago that the smiths arrived here from a place of danger, and had we turned them away we'd have found it much harder to get the smithy working.

Ongoing Projects:

Local Militia: 5 Weeks Remain
Lambs and Calfs: 5 Weeks remain
Feed the Beast: Long Sincce Complete (Dangelo to Post)