"I've got members of my crew all over the station already, but there are limits to where they can go. Certain doors are closed to them, unfortunately. I hope that'll be different for you." She responded. "I'll likely spend a decent amount of time here, but if I'm not here, just ask your ship to hail mine. If I'm not there my watch officer will be able to point you in the right direction."

She looked around the establishment again after finishing her conversation with the Tiefling. There where two others here that stood out to her. One was a willowy dryad, the other an Eldarin. They didn't seem like locals. She considered going over to them, but there was no guarantee they'd have any information of use to here. Then again...

"Oh, one more thing." She said to the Tiefling, a bit louder this time to give the other two an opportunity to overhear. "If you hear anything about a new discovery of Syrne artifacts, it might be worth chasing that lead down. It might be relevant to our interests."