Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
[Philip Memorial Library]

"Well... define 'forbidden' or 'rarest'." Michalson has probably found more forbidden knowledge than not-forbidden, back in his day. "I'm lookin' for dark about entropy and order. Of the cosmic, planar sort. An' makin' dazzled weapons. That's, uh, magical."
Philip Memorial Library

Sphinx considers.
"The restricted section is mostly like, Threat to Reality stuff. Just making magical weaponry out of mildly dangerous forces is probably fine." Sphinx generally has a very good idea of where things in her Library are, but she hasn't read everything and she's not currently inside it at the moment.
"So I'm pretty sure you won't need special access. And I could help you if you did. Being friends with the Guardian has benefits." she smiles with a mouth full of pointy teeth.