Tenhammer exhales, loudly, through his nose. "Mages." It's a word said with no small amount of dislike. "Hopefully you're less of a pain than Venkt is." A loud sniff."I can use you though, so alright you're in, for now." He holds out his hand for Venkt's dagger and, after a moment, Vala hands it over without saying anything. Tenhammer's eyes linger on her for a moment, a brief image of puzzle crossing his features, but it's gone as quick as it comes. "Do what you're told and do it well and you'll get rich, step out of line and you'll end up on Venkt's table. You want a chance of leadership?" He pokes a thumb into his cheek. "Same rule I tell everyone, come take a swing, any time, any place, I'll take you on. But let me," He takes one step towards Senna, "make one thing," another step, "very clear." He stops, towering over her. "Don't waste your chance, because you only get one."

He steps back and turns away, poncho flapping in his wake. "Get them settled in, north tents should be clear if we lost the hunter group." The clanking of his armour heralds his exit from the conversation, and one of the gate guards waves you over as Vala gives a sigh of relief. "Well, that went well." She mumbles approvingly, seemingly pretty glad she didn't have to speak. You're lead into the camp proper, getting a brief glance of the Chill side - and the ogres - before the guard points you towards some tents on the north side. The scattered Blacktalons, chatting aimlessly while doing chores, watch you pass with barely concealed interest - some with gazes more concerning than others. You don't see Loog.

"Set yourselves up with these tents, they're empty now." The guard says with complete indifference that three of his fellows are (so far as he knows) now dead. "Boss'll tell you when they need you, 'til then you got run of the camp. Don't start nothin' with the Chill if you wanna keep your heads." With his warning delivered you're left alone, though clearly still under watch by curious Blacktalons who aren't used to dragonborn, elves, or women in their side of things.