[Deep in the Woods]

Kestrel nearly sighed in relief as Atreyu started to discuss the matter of preparing the rabbits, in mislead belief that he wasn't going to comment on the biting thing. She was already embarrassed enough for one night! "Mhm, yeah, don't worry, I know what I'm doing." And for once, that was a hundred percent truthful about her skills. Drawing a small hunting knife, Kestrel set about skinning and gutting the two rabbits at a quite decent pace.

Unfortunately, it seemed Atreyu was not in fact willing to let that comment about the biting drop. "I-I don't know what you're talking about! That was just a slip of the tongue, it... it didn't mean anything!" Thankfully, her task of butchering the rabbits gave her a good excuse to keep her face turned away from the werewolf, so he couldn't see her cheeks burning even further red.