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Thread: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF II

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF II

    "Nope, not silly, we've been wondering that ourselves, but I'm afraid we don't really have an answer for you. We think it might have convinced some of its followers to start a petition trying to convince us to leave town, but that might have been the only deliberate action its taken over the past while that we've heard about other than the seemingly random killings."

    "Our pack totem is a spirit of Revelry known as The Reveler in the Vineyard. They'll introduce themself whenever they wish to. They're probably show up the next time we play a good bit of music, they really like the stuff. Informed is certainly a good way to describe Databolt, they're a spirit of information, currently residing in Blaze's laptop."

    "While I'm listing off allies..."
    Bear hooks a thumb out towards the bay, "There's a Locus out there, which we share by agreement with King Sky Hunter, big seahawk looking hunting spirit. Kara has a social media spirit called Atant living in her cellphone that's been helpful. Hanging around the little garden outside may be a spirit of growth, it hasn't shared its name with us but is helping cultivate the plants there. The tannis root growing out there was a big help with the plague spirit I mentioned, the medicinal paste we made from it melted parts of the disgusting bastard like acid." Bear grins as the memory of that fight. "Ever since we've been planting some of the offshoots around the territory to help keep the beshilu away while the gauntlet heals from the damage they caused."

    "Not so often seen around this place would be Immovable Hunter, a spirit of protection and endurance that I've been communing with lately, takes the form of a big grizzly bear. Bring honey if you want something from them. And then there's Brown Tail and his mate Zephyr, not spirits, but rather a pair of red tailed hawks. I convinced them to help us scout the territory and watch for problems. They have a nest out in the forest, but show up here now and again. Please be respectful around them, they might be working with us, but they are not tame."

    "In regards to you stepping in Joanna, perhaps this was a matter of fate. We're setting up a benefits concert soon, partly to counter this cult trying to make us look bad. I was going to suggest a practice tonight anyways to get Jeremy up to speed, might as well see what you've got."
    Last edited by Daishain; 2021-02-06 at 07:44 PM.
    "No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main... Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." -John Donne-
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