"Not my map, I was busy gettin' jumped by you wasn't I?" Loog shoots back, not exactly unkindly but he's clearly not 100% thrilled by the turn of events, nor a reminder of it. "Dunno about scale, alls I know is that the cave is maybe a day away if you go slow, maybe half a day if you rush, then about the same from cave to the ruins." He peers down at the mark Senna indicates and snorts. "S'pretty clearly a dragon." Then he stops, pulls the map closer to his face, scrutinising the image barely an inch from his eye. "Or maybe its a wyvern? Could be a cockatrice. Same thing really innit?" He hands the map back, apparently satisfied. "They didn' stick around t'listen t'whatever they were doin' in the ruins., crazy screamin' made them pound grass back here instead. Them druids don' usually stick around ruins, too much rock not enough trees, but could be, they're all crazy."