R24T37: Beta strikes again at the necromancer. The first time is a complete miss, and the second attempt some outer force field throws his claws (as compared to a force much closer to his skin).

R24T28: Alpha remains behind cover, keeping an eye on the fight while also watching the way they came in.

R24T23: Kaul strikes hard at the man, giving him a cold, hard look.

R24T16: Rolth casts a spell defensively, touching Kaul's left lower forearm and wrist. In doing so, he sucks out some of Kaul's life (21 hp) and gains the rest, seemingly healing some of his damage (21 THP).

End Round 24, Begin Round 25 ...

R25T37: Beta, what do you do?

Kaul on deck, Alpha delaying ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Beta: 37. Pugilist's stance (+1d6 unarmed/ discipline weapons).
* Inertial Armor
(boosted to +6, lasts 4.5 hours). Offensive precognition tilR63T37 (+2 insight attack rolls).
Alpha: 28. Inertial Armor (boosted to +5, lasts 5 hours). DELAYING!!!
* He has suffered 3 temp neg levels for 8 hours.
Kaul: 23. Delay poison for 5.5 hours. Counter with Iron Shell if attacked. No PA.
Rolth Lam: 16. Shield, mage armor. Displacement til end R26T16. Cat's grace til R90T16. Long arm til R91T16.