The Prison- Basement 1

With Freya's light to guide it, the stone drops into the tunnel like a morsel down a throat. The sight it reveals is grim. The massive ooze has somehow evolved to cling to the walls of the chute, and from around the hundred and twenty feet mark where it retreated to to the two forty, the walls are covered in a wet, reddish slime that ungulates and oozes. By the way the shadows play, Gashur can tell that every twenty to forty feet down there is another opening to a lower floor, though it seems that at lower levels the chute is built into the well with the exit being horizontal instead of vertical. As the stone falls, the wind again kicks up, sucking the rock down at ever increasing speeds. However, at about the two hundred and forty mark (as Gashur would estimate it) there is a green pulse of light. When this pulse fades, he can no longer see the stone- the chute is pitch black again.