Smuggling Route Dropoff

"I have a rough idea. Svipul is better with directions than I am." At the words, his daemon climbs out of his pouch and Ziyad puts her on the dashboard. Friend-of-a-friend was there, yes, but actual friend wasn't. They'll be more upset than Ziyad, who is mostly still thankful he's alive.

Shivernight Manor

At the words, Bluefoot smiles and turns off the microphone. She'll have to work on doing all the others; they weren't done simultaneously, as the bright room and the cess pit aren't too close to each other. She will restore Ophelia's hearing, however. "I am glad to hear it." She breathes deep and nearly takes off her shirt, before remembering that Sapphira doesn't need her nudity to come. Mistress, the snake is asking for you. I'm working on restoring her senses right now, but I won't unchain her until you tell me to. Missive sent, Bluefoot leaves and shouts for Silkyfinger to pull up the basket from the cesspit whilst she fetches the snake's sight from the room of lamps and mirrors.