Martin Bevuk

Martin listens quietly to Norton's tale and nods along. "Terrifying stuff my friend," he takes a long sip of the ale, "I've seen a fair few beasts in my time out on the roads and in the woods but ne'er something like that. Your a brave man." He says the last with a tilted salute of the pint glass. At Zada's query he shrugs. "Not much to tell my friend. I'm born and bred here in Sandpoint. Me and my brother Chod" he points across the bar to Chod, "We took on the family business after our parents passed and I spent some time as a caravan guard around Varisan. Not gone as far as the likes of you I'm sure" he adds, looking at Zada, Midori and Draegra's more exotic appearances, "But I learned how to handle myself in a fight."

Finishing his ale he looks round the table, "Another round? You wanting some stews, Jargie may look like a fat drunk but he runs a good kitchen."