Steingott wipes a tear.

"I can't believe you had to leave your friends for dead like that. I can't even imagine what that would feel like...and then to have to face them upon return."

Steingott sniffs and composes himself.

"I don't have a yarn like that quite yet, but it's my hope to collect a few. I've had nothing but good fortune my whole life. Back home in Janderhoff I'm a bit of a local celebrity in the prize fighting circuits. My family also ran a very successful mining operation and forge, bolstered by these strange abilities I have that allow me to control just about anything earthen. My sister had similar gifts and controls the flame.

My family accumulated a bit of wealth and I've retired early, traveling from town to town and trying to increase the quality of life for those less fortunate than I've been. I'm not sure why the gods chose to shine down on me like this, but I'm going to make sure it was deserved by crushing evil, fighting for justice, and bringing fortune to others. My uncle had a lead on a horse through a local stabler here in Sandpoint, so I decided to start here in my quest."