Fronaldo might find an insect here or there, and maybe something here or there plant-wise to munch on, but he does not find, collect, or snack on any effective value or quantity of jungle-provided comestibles.

Gelik cleans Pim well with prestidigitation.

The night goes by uneventfully. The thing to note about a jungle is that it is LOUD. A jungle at night is not a quiet affair with people holding their breath in semi-silence. So, if something comes calling, having a redoubt that you've created is going to be far more valuable than thinking you will notice something in the darkness while the nightime jungle sounds mask the sounds of approach. That said, the jungle does not care for fire and the quieter bubble of camp helps. Insects come calling, of course, but the whole purpose of the fire is to attract them to that point (which is why fire - even in a hot jungle - is ALWAYS a good idea), as they are a major factor of people catching diseases.

Toilday, 28 Kuthona ...

Fronaldo, do you prepare a DEX mutagen for today? Do you change up your extracts prepared?

Gelik, do you change prepared veils?

Pim, do you change spells prepared among your three classes?

Xhanfaerd, your mild wound is gone by the next morning. Do you change prepared maneuvers or spells?