Quote Originally Posted by kingcheesepants View Post
I'm not sure why you would want to include children in your stress free hack and slash type games. Just attack the players with groups of normal enemies or have them infiltrate a place controlled by bad guys. But if when I'm done killing the bad guys and then notice that there's a back room with a nursery full of kids, that angst free game just became a source of great angst. Even in your example of Neogi, they aren't bad because they're Neogi, they're bad because they're cannibals (though in this case that seems less evil and more like the kind of cannibalism that sharks practice in the womb). Also there are notable non evil Neogi NPCs in spelljammer. So I'd feel just a little weird to be killing hatchlings even if they were trying to kill me first (killing babies is a notable exception to the general rule of killing in self defense is fine).
yeah you don't want to kill children, just don't have children in the dungeon, don't assume the dungeon full of traps and danger is a home to a settlement of goblins. would you want to raise a child in that? No. So why would an orc or whatever want to put them in there? makes no sense. assume they're not apart of the "normal society" and they are bunch of adults doing evil adult things. its not as if your there to figure out where the orcs came from.