Quote Originally Posted by GloatingSwine View Post
I very much doubt it. The part of the Infinity Stones in the MCU is over for the forseeable future.

I think they're colour coded more to show a fairly standard light vs. dark for the coven vs Agatha, and Wanda's is red to show that it is "chaos" magic which is dangerous and out of control.
It's not just dark versus light (in Agatha's purple and the coven's blue) plus Wanda's red, though. There's also the Ancient One's school of magic that Doctor Strange uses with yellow magic---but it's green when he does magic powered by the time stone, which is consistent with this notion.

I'm not saying that every colour-coded thing that we get will go back to the infinity stones. But in this case, given that canonically the infinity stones represent different shades of energy in the creation of the universe, I could see there being six different magical energy sources that MCU sorcerers can draw upon, and which correspond to these six original energies.