Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard View Post
I don't really buy that Stark is so different, he deals with Cosmic threats as part of the Avengers, but he spends plenty of time dealing with ordinary criminals with knockoff tech.

Money is not enough alone, it's not like places with lots of money are automatically cured of corruption.

Spidey uses enough webbing swinging through the streets that I don't think his webbing is so limited. There's no reason he should ever need to punch or kick any mere mortal. His beating of criminals requires all the same assumptions as Bats (more, because superhuman strength).
Spidey has a finite amount of webbing he can carry on his person. In the MCU at least it isnt an innate thing he can do, he does use ammo cartridges.

As for Iron Man, i dont think anybody with his stolen tech can really be considered a street level criminal. Youre looking at terrorist organizations, rogue nations and supervillains like Vulture.