Shandara's House

Bolten's practiced nose tells him that the tea needs more time to steep, but it is well on its way to being good. When Shandara asks about the Esterwalds, Bolten looks back and forth like a child avoiding blame. "Er, I can neither confirm nor deny that. There was a request to keep this matter discreet," he explains.

His expression looks glum at first when Shandara confirms her own projects, but the frown flips upside down as Bolten gives a beaming grin so bright that Shandara's drow eyes might have difficulty. "Oh, not presumptuous at all! In fact, I have my own forge at the workshop. I make magic weapons from time to time. What sort of unusual material are thinking of? I'm guessing that it's something more exotic than mithral or adamantine." Bolten asks with question with wide curious eyes, clearly eager to hear about Shandara's own project.