A worshiper of Sune is for a good example Robin Hood or The Doctor from Doctor Who. Someone who does what they think of as good and does not care about rules or laws.

Th followers of Sune are believers in romance, true love winning over all, and following one’s heart to one’s true destination. Fated matches, impossible loves, and ugly ducklings becoming swans are all part of the teaching of Sune

Novice Sunites receive the following charge: “Love none more than yourself save Sune, and lose yourself in love of the Lady Firehair. Perform a loving act every day, and seek to awaken love in someone new each day.Respond to love at least once in a day

Sunites are aesthetes and hedonists, who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things. The pursuit of aesthetic enjoyment is their life

The Doctor is a good example here....wander, or just do what you want at will....but be goodish.

The Chaotic part to Sune is the "do whatever you want" and "don't follow rules or laws much"

The Good part is Sune is basically good...do no harm, don't hurt or kill for fun and such.