R28T37: Beta shudders, as though he could feel the pain of his fallen comrade. He turns tail and retreats, having now determined that he no longer stands a chance in this fight. He calls out as he moves. "Alpha! If you're still here, retreat!"

R28T23: Alpha, from his hiding spot, will take Beta's words to heart and start retreating, trying to make sure he ends his movement behind cover so the Necromancer can't hit him with another Enervation...hopefully. He makes it as far as the room where they fought the cultists and undead.

R28T16: Beta sees Rolth leave at near impossible speed out the door, seemingly after Alpha ... which is the way Beta was going!

End Round 28, Turn 29 ....

Beta, you have a terrible choice now. Rolth just left out the double doors to the west ... the way you came, the way you are going, and after Alpha. What do you do?

Alpha on deck ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Beta: 37. Pugilist's stance (+1d6 unarmed/ discipline weapons). SICKENED til R31T16!!!
* Inertial Armor
(boosted to +6, lasts 4.5 hours). Offensive precognition til R63T37 (+2 insight attack rolls).
Alpha: 23. Inertial Armor (boosted to +5, lasts 5 hours). DELAYING!!!
* He has suffered 3 temp neg levels for 8 hours.
Rolth Lam: 16. Shield, mage armor. Cat's grace til R90T16. Long arm til R91T16. Expeditious Retreat. Displacement til R34T16.