Quote Originally Posted by Tanarii View Post
So for me, it definitely seems like a huge logical leap from "Good" = morally correct and "Evil" = morally incorrect, and in fact the terms morally correct or morally incorrect should really just be left out of the equation.
I mean, it's a question of your goals. There are things that being good promotes. If those things are part of your goals, then you should seek to be good. In an objective morality system, you would be morally correct by trying to adhere to the alignment that aids your goals.

It gets tricky to discuss this within the forum's rules when we get into what, precisely, works in the real world and why "real world moral good" of any stripe is or is not aligning with an individual's or society's goals. In the fictional setting of D&D, where fantastic things happen and make up the stories it's designed to play, it is perfectly plausible to set up the laws of reality such that one's objectively evil behaviors are precisely in line with getting you to your goals, provided your goals are of a particular sort.

In an objective alignment system, you are "morally correct" if you are adhering to the alignment you wish to be. This is loosely defined to cover both aspirations towards specific alignments, and correctly identifying the alignment that will be most conducive towards your goals.