Quote Originally Posted by OldTrees1 View Post
So technically yes. Of all the people that make claims about whether the statement "It is immoral to wear white after labor day" is true or false. Everyone that is correct chose the same answer. Either all true or all false depending on whether the statement actual is true or false. However people can be incorrect too. Objective Morality is not claiming there is a consensus, it is claiming there is a correct answer to statements about morality.
Right, and this implies that if a fictional setting postulates an objective moral reality internally that means that while there may be multiple moral theories held in-universe, one of them is correct and all the others are wrong.

Generally I would say that fantasy comes at this from a religious, rather than philosophical question. Specifically most fantasy settings aren't 'all myths are true' they're 'this specific myth is true' and that specific myth usually includes a deity/deities who determine the moral system that governs the setting.

As a result, the question of what alignments represent, in a particular universe, is what the gods say they represent, and questioning the gods is pointless because the gods make the decisions and there's nothing a mortal living in such a setting can do about it.

I think a lot of players find this weird, in part because the kind of deity-derived moral certainty implied works better for a monotheistic system with a distant and presumably all-powerful creator entity rather than a polytheistic system where a bunch of gods squabble amongst themselves. This is why various writers working in FR felt obligated to create a level above the gods in the form of Lord Ao because the idea of FR deities, as presented, mediating an moral system at all was laughable. This is also probably why a huge amount of modern fantasy has retreated from polytheistic systems and back toward distant monotheistic non-interventionist creator deities. One god = one truth is simply a much simpler equation for addressing ethical questions when worldbuilding.