Quote Originally Posted by Zhorn View Post
I'm pretty sure the intent is to drink the potion after the Polymorph has taken effect, so that the transformed state gets the benefit of the potion instead of the PC's base form being under the potion's effect, which the Polymorph would override if it were applied after the potion was used as the standard ruling is conditions don't transfer to polymorphed states?
But it takes an action to drink a potion, does it not? And that would also require hands?

It seems to me that the OP is making use of creatively applied game mechanics to achieve the "good stuff", but appears to rely on "narrative" where the game mechanics are inconvenient.

I'm sure the GM would allow that, though. But it must be a bit demotivating for the players to have this great plan for unleashing unparalleled destruction, and have the GM "allow it" instead of being forced to accept it.