R30T23: Alpha opens the elevator door (because it was shut), steps in, and then triggers the elevator. The sounds of counterweights and chains moving begins, but the elevator does not yet move.

R30T16: Rolth looks to the elevator and gives out a hearty laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A cloak of fiery vanishing. Well-played, but know that in your escape you have watch the doom of your last friend. And having discovered what is at stake here, it is so horrible, that nobody will believe your lone ranting!"

He steps away from Beta, in a way that he knows his own body won't screen the horror from the invisible Alpha. He bites Beta in the arm with a crit for 26. It also stops Beta cold in his tracks. Rolth doesn't even finish Beta, leaving Alpha to see what is a "before the death" death blow, but always wondering.

At this point, the elevator begins moving upwards. And though he doesn't look directly at Alpha, Rolth's evil grin in that direction and Beta's paralyzed, bleeding body next to him is a sight that will always fill him with dread.

Combat Ends ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Beta: 37. Pugilist's stance (+1d6 unarmed/ discipline weapons). SICKENED til R31T16!!!
* Inertial Armor
(boosted to +6, lasts 4.5 hours). Offensive precognition til R63T37 (+2 insight attack rolls).
* EXHAUSTED: Heal DC 20 will remove exhausted condition and leave him fatigued instead.
Alpha: 23. Inertial Armor (boosted to +5, lasts 5 hours). INVISIBLE til R34T16!!!
* He has suffered 3 temp neg levels for 8 hours.
Rolth Lam: 16. Shield, mage armor. Cat's grace til R90T16. Long arm til R91T16. Expeditious Retreat. Displacement til R34T16.