Quote Originally Posted by Theodoxus View Post
I don't understand this desire for lore books. Are you all just curious how WotC sees the development of each setting? Like how the Spell Plague ruined Aber-Toril or how Athas has fared since the rise and demise of Tythian?

3E had a massive, and in my opinion, well done FR World Book that is perfectly usable for lore, plot hooks, and general descriptions. Are you miffed because 4th and 5th editions have nullified a fraction of that lore through plot development? Or is it that you've run through all the plot hooks and need new fluff to get by?

The thing I think is most hilarious is all WotC has basically done is taken ancient modules, updated them to 5E mechanics without even really trying to make the story/plot better, and bundling them into hardback books for profit. Same thing I've been doing (sans profit) since I first ran LMoP as a way to solidify the rules differences between 5E and prior editions for myself.

I really don't need more lore. And these kinds of threads are making me wary of more crunch... maybe I've officially moved into grognard-hood (ship?) I want interesting and novel mechanics I can plug and play into my own homebrew. Psychic Dice are a nice new feature. A bit tame from the UA presentation, but functional. The reliance of PB as a limiting usage factor for abilities, while it would be nice if they had included an optional 'backwards compatibility' list of PHB and XGtE features that could safely use that mechanic, I can do that leg work myself.
4e and 5e didm't nullify the old lore, it just made it part of the settings history, its still happened.

Its that even the SCAG is out of date now with so much happening, not to mention the 4e FR world book and FR 3e world book, and so much that hasn't been covered by the SCAG to begin with. They maginuked the setting with the Spellplague, rebuilt the setting with the Sundering, then a bunch of things happened like Descent into Avernus after the Sundering. And the timeline was bumped more then 100 years since 3e. So the 3e FR world cook is useful for history of the setting, but not useful for the present at all.