Quote Originally Posted by Quertus View Post
What are you thinking would grant this ability - especially the *proof* part?
Being a Cleric, Paladin, or Divine Soul Sorcerer mostly. Even if someone looks at your Divine Intervention abilities and says that they're "just weird spells", they would have a much harder time if one of the spells you cast is Commune and you can reliably talk to God 5 times per day. To say nothing of what would happen if you were a Cleric of one deity and you met another Cleric who could similarly demonstrate that they were in contact with a different deity, immediately disproving monotheism.

Other spells like Contact Other Plane or Planeshift would have a similar effect on any religion whose creation story says that there is only one 'Earth' with sentient life upon it.

"self-identity concerns"?
Imagine that your magic power is mind control. You can enforce your will on another person and keep them under your thrall for as long as you like, controlling them like an extension of your own body, indefinitely. They have no free will, but what you choose to give them.

So... Who are you? What are you? Can you even remember which of the two bodies you control is your 'real' one? Can you even understand what 'your real body' means? Could you even let go if you wanted or needed to? What if you could control 2 other people? 5 more? 50? What if one of them dies while under your direct and unassailable control - is a part of you dead now, too?

If you could even get over the cripplingly immense pressure of being responsible for so many other people then you'd probably have to be some flavour of psychopath, which would only get worse as your control became more complete and your inhibitions weakened further. The human psyche isn't built to be a Hive Mind, even if we didn't know already what Absolute Power does to it as well!

Besides, I imagine that they never… hmmm… parodied "first world problems" with a "Fight Club"-worthy meeting group of powered individuals discussing their problems. Or… made a team with powers that would make most jealous… who were all baffled/troubled by their powers long-term (in a way that doesn't make me eye roll or face palm).
It kind of has, in a few fairly mainstream examples. The Pixar movie Wreck-It Ralph is probably the biggest and most recent one I can think of - the Bad Guys Support Group, wherein the villains of video games get together and engage in group therapy to discuss the pressures and expectations placed on them for just doing their jobs.