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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Gender and sexuality diversity in RPG settings

    Quote Originally Posted by 137ben View Post
    (This was in response to Never Satisfied):
    I'm still somewhat on sure of what exactly you are asking. Are you confused about the distinction between gender (a neurological phenomenon present in most humans) and gender roles? In the world of Never Satisfied, other characters know that Lucy (the main character) is nonbinary because they told other people they are nonbinary, presumably since they are most comfortable being thought of that way. Their typical outfit and hairstyle looks like what current U.S. culture would say was a feminine appearance, although in the NSATverse it wouldn't be considered a "feminine attire" because they don't have gender roles.
    Yes, I am very confused about the concept of neurological gender, to the point where I am skeptical about its existence and curious about what it would even mean on a conceptual level.

    As a gender non-conforming person, I have trouble wrapping my head around why someone would choose to be NB, although I can understand it in broad strokes, simply wanting to opt out of the whole convoluted gender role system. But in a world without such a system, its harder to understand.

    Likewise, claiming to be neither a man or a woman when you are physically one or the other in a world where that is merely a physical descriptor is extremely odd, like claiming to be a blonde when your hair is black. Now, I could see it is the person actually suffered from dysphoria, but then that raises the question (in my world, probably not in the web comic) about why they haven't used alchemy to either cure the mental condition directly or transition into an androgynous form.

    Quote Originally Posted by 137ben View Post
    Okay, I'm with Segev on this one: do people in your world walk around naked? How do you typically know if someone else has a penis otherwise?

    Knowing if someone can grow a beard is easier, since you might be able to see a stubble unless their hair follicles are close to the same color as their skin. Does that mean that in your setting, people with PCOS would be considered men (at least by people who haven't seen them naked)? Or does PCOS simply not exist in your world?

    Bear in mind that, in the real world, PCOS affects about 10% of people with ovaries, so they are more common than trans women. So, if you really want all sorts of players to be able to "see themselves" in the settings, eliminating PCOS might be a bad idea. And, there are plenty of other reasons AFAB people grow beards. It's moderately common among post-menopausal women due to decreased estrogen. Would they be considered men in your setting? Or does menopause not exist either (which, again, see my previous comment)?
    Whether someone walks around naked depends on where they are and what they are doing. Typically no, but unless they are super rich or super poor they are going to be bathing in a communal bath house. Not that you wouldn't see your friends, coworkers, and family members changing on occasion, and obviously your doctor and your tailor know what's beneath your clothes, and few garments completely conceal the genitals at all times.

    PCOS and similar disorders certainly exist, although they are likely rarer do to extensive gene editing done in the setting's history, and are fully curable with modern alchemy. Note however, that I am not saying that gender isn't a spectrum, or that intersex people don't exist, or that anyone is 100% masculine or feminine, either in my setting or in real life.
    Last edited by Talakeal; 2021-03-12 at 10:50 PM.
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