Quote Originally Posted by Lvl 2 Expert View Post
Spoiler: The Cannibal Witch Wizard
I know this source material!

Mystical cook is good for flavor. Gingerbread house is silly, but not unbalanced. It seems fun!

Fatten them up seems good.

Into the Oven is... confusing me. It turns the house from a goodberry alternative and a werid thematic shelter for the night into some sort of trap. It looks like it works both mechanically and thematically, I just have trouble seeing all the applications and the actual power of this here. It feels a bit strong. Then again, it's for a tenth level wizard, those are strong...

Cook and Eat them is... Don't change it. This is the only place this subclass should go. That just makes me more comflicted about Into the Oven. This feature is certainly not OP in itself, just adding a little bit of healing.
Thanks for the review!

I should point out that you don't have to add an oven to the house when you create it, which preserves its original usages. I wanted some way to make sure the oven from the story made an appearance and because I already have this subclass creating the house, I thought having the option to add an oven would work.

Would it make more sense to remove the line about being able to automatically succeed on the saving throw? If I did that a Cannibal Witch could end up in their own oven and I'd have a stronger thematic connection to the original fairy tale.

Spoiler: The Dunedain
This ought to be interesting. My first thought is that you'll need to differentiate it from the Hunter subclass somehow because this reads like another archetypal ranger. Time to dig into the details and see how that went!


Dunedain Magic -
I was expecting more nature-based magic, but spells that emphasize leadership and force of presence make sense. I am a little bit worried that because all but one of them require Concentration, they won't see a ton of use.

Dunedain Endurance -
I don't know how to judge the balance of this. It's really strong in it's niche, but doesn't do anything if exhaustion doesn't come up in game. I'd probably categorize it as a mostly fluff ability, in which case it works well for its purpose

Hands of a Healer -
Subtly strong. This feature allows your party to stretch their resources out much longer and keeps everyone on their feet with ease. I am wondering if you intentionally left out some sources of healing by specifying that the healing had to be from spells or hit dice. It doesn't look like this feature would apply to a Celestial Warlock's Healing Light feature, for example.

Ancient Lore -
This ability runs into the usual issue ranger from previous editions of the game had to deal with. Namely, not being able to use it when the creature type you chose isn't present.

The Foe option becomes incredibly strong when the creature type you chose is present. Always-on advantage on attacks is better than the defining ability of Vengeance Paladins.

Given the source material, would you instead consider a feature that allows you to call ghostly undead to serve you?

Will of the Dunedain -
Rangers usually gain some ability at this level that gives them more attacks or more attack options, so passive benefits are a little unusual. That being said, immunity to charm and fear nullifies some of the most potent effects that can be used against you. I think you could get away with adding some sort of minor active ability as well.

The Return of the King -
Cool. I'm not seeing any issues.

I think the source material is imitated pretty well and thought it was intriguing that you managed to convey leadership ability without the need for Charisma.

Spoiler: Draconic Elementalist
This sounds extremely similar to the Draconic Bloodline but feeding off the elements is new. I'm expecting that this subclass will explore that aspect in detail. Time to see if I'm right.


Dragon Link -
This reads like an improved version of the Draconic Bloodline subclass's 1st level features.

I think you could do something to give different draconic abilities instead, like a dragon's senses or their tail/claws/teeth.

Draconic Element -
An at-will ability to take no damage from your chosen element at 1st level is ludicrously powerful, not least because it's in addition to the aforementioned feature.

This probably needs to be bumped up to be a feature you receive at a higher level if you're trying to have this subclass be on par with other sorcerer subclasses.

Elemental Dragon's Roar -
The name tricked me into thinking this was going to be a fear effect. Other than that, I think this is cool. It's a dragon's breath weapon.

Dracoelemental Body -
Again, this reminds me of the Draconic Bloodline but improved. This is much later in your progression, but it still feels like retreading old ground.

Dragon Force -
I understand why most of these bullet points are present. The resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing is one I don't. What draconic aspect is it supposed to represent? A dragon's toughness? I usually imagine scales deflecting blows for dragons instead of meaty hide that absorbs any hit.