Eira looks around at the dwellings of the Soul Clan curiously, her father's voice still stubbornly speaking in her mind. Even Soul Clan has a permanent place to be attacked; everyone has a target on them but Clan Weavile. Everyone has a home, but Clan Weavile. Distracted by the argument in her own head and the sightings of Absol that have yet to come to fruition, she pays little mind to the other initiates except to note that none are from the Far North. Their world is so different from ours; they gather without weapons, in such large numbers, and have no fear of battle.

Hulloth's question brings Eira back to the present somewhat, though the mention of a wish still catches her by surprise a bit. The elders mentioned something about that, but Clan Weavile is practical; I don't know if any of them truly expect a wish to be granted, or anything to occur. I wasn't even given instruction on what to wish for--that would be my father's right as the head of our family, and he didn't even mention that I was being volunteered until it happened.

Despite her turbulent thoughts, Eira steps forward again, just as she did at the beginning of the Trials. "Prepared or not, I am here," she says simply, "and I will not refuse the Trial."