Quote Originally Posted by Goblin_Priest View Post
Nah, man, Miko was still raised and trained by the Saphire Guard, and a standing member of said order until just about the final moment. And for technicalities, I don't think they had the time to formerly expel her from the order. :P

Girard's defenses had a vulnerability that was exploited, but otherwise, he had nothing to do with its destruction. It's not his own trees that tore it apart. It's not his own rune that blew it up. It's not his own paladins that broke it. It's an outside entity that broke through the defenses and destroyed it. He was bested, but at least he, unlike the others, did not defeat himself.

This was pretty much going to be my reply. The only people aware of what the Godsmoot was all about are the people who were at the Godsmoot, all of whom are still there, with the exception of the Order of the Stick and the select few they told the story to.

And even in the odd chance that the Order was scryed on 24/7 and that Sirini learned about the Godsmoot from the Order explaining it to others, all gates had been destroyed prior to that point. So almost nobody knows about this threat, and no gates have been destroyed since those that do have learnt it.

Him getting control of the Gate now does not decrease the odds of the Gate falling when he is defeated. It increases it.
Miko was raised by a monstrary most of her life though.

As for Girard, well, I wonder what would've happened has V not whacked his clan nor Tarquin's wife of the time. I suspect that if she tried to go and find out what happened, she would either be captured or killed. If that happened, that would get Tarquin's attention. He'd see an attack on her and any taunting as a slight on him... and one does not slight Tarquin without serious consequences. That would not end well for them at all.

Would lead to a different series of events, especially when the Order arrives. Tarquin with Malack would note it'd be best not touch the damn thing and then just secure it under his reign. The gate would likely remain secure under the Empire of Blood unless Nale botches something and breaks it. And even then, it's possible Miron and Malack would fix it (I'm surprised Nergal didn't tell Malack about the gates' importance, but maybe it's because he knew he wouldn't break it.)