As the crowd gathers there is some polite clapping at Darhana's story and a few narrowed eyes at Emika as she sits and does not partake in the festivities but it soon stops as Charles rises and begins to sing his tale of how he met Amieko. Its like hypnotism and soon the majority of the crowd are swaying along, a few of them dabbing at tears at the skill of the music. Even the Prince's fixed smile falters and takes on a look of wide eyed wonder followed by applause.

he rises, causing all to fall to their knees before he approaches CHarles, "You are a maginificent find." He glances at Ameiko, "I like this one. His weight in silver if he will stay and serve me as a court bard for the cycle" (he means the 12 years of their calendar). He pauses as Ameiko just looks in surprise and worry to the rest of the party and at Charles, trying o think of a way that she may politely decline the Prince!