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    Troll in the Playground
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    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Fate/Grand Order V - Salty Theoretical Phenomenon

    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
    What's the requirements for it? Do we need to have S.I.N. done?
    Kind of. There is a 10 SQ reward for completing the prologue to SIN, not the actual LB though.

    However, the bigger thing is they're adding a series of Extra Master Missions where you get 10 SQ for every 10 Interlude you complete. Similar to what they did with Strengthening Quests, but that came with an additional SQ reward for each completed while this is just the milestone reward for each 10 that you do. There are over 190 Interludes in the game, so that's potentially 190 SQ in the unlikely event that you actually have every Servant with an Interlude and have them appropriately levelled and completed.

    I don't know how many Interludes I've done, but it does feels like a lot. Also, I could rather easily complete the ones remaining on my Interlude list if I can get a steady stream of XP.

    Oh, Ninja'd, whatever. My router keeps dropping my Internet connection, it's a whole thing.
    Last edited by Kitten Champion; 2021-04-02 at 04:15 AM.