iWear's Secret Hideout

Getting in is tricky- there's a current blowing against him as the villain travels the pit, and there's a lot more laser alarms as well. As he travels through the vents, a mist is blown against him. It's blessed water; iWear has no idea what he is, but she's trying evaporated holy water. If he's a vampire, it should work. If he isn't, it... might not. If he hasn't triggered any of the lasers, she'll do it anyway- all she knows is something that isn't hot enough to be a person and made at least partly of smoke and mist is trying to get inside.

If they can fight against the air current, and the holy water, they'll find themselves in the bunker. Inside, it's a single large room, with several complex locking doors in the ceiling where the roof hatch lies. The bunker is an opulent, well-lit space, with silk curtains draping three quarters of the walls, a large bed on one side of the room, a small shelf of books (mostly trashy romance books, but there's a lot of books on superheroes and villains there, too) and thick carpet on most of the floor. A shooting range has been set up, and there's a computer system growing from one wall. A quarter of the space is obviously a tinker's workshop, with benches, tools, and raw materials lying around too. Mostly high-end stuff, plastic and wires and circuitry, with a 3D printer and a lathe. There's also three mannequins wearing different suits; one has a suit of power armour, though iWear hasn't been able to power it efficiently yet; it has a battery pack plugged in, but that battery is also recharging from the mains socket. One has a wing-suit, with flaps of material between arms and legs, and a much larger rocket on the back. Finally, a mannequin wearing an outfit similar to the one iWear currently wears, though not entirely as battered.

The villain whose hideout this is stands next to the bed, in full costume, currently plugging her gauntlets into the wall. She's still wearing her generator backpack, but after the time she's spent robbing gangs it could do with a recharge. I guess it's probably more battery than generator, then.