Leaning against the wall of the dorm is a tall, leggy blonde girl. She is wearing the scarlet uniform jacket from what looks like some real preppy private school. Her skirt is a plaid with colors that match the jacket. And she is wearing a set of black tights that accentuate her thighs and calves, as they run down and into her shoes, which is about the only thing she is wearing that looks semi comfortable.

But the jacket is unbuttoned, and reveals her shirt underneath, which she has untucked and tied off just under her breasts. The skirt is only an inch or so past what could really be considered indecent, and is well short of what any sane person could call decent. And the tights are torn in strategic locations to expose what looks like actual tattoos under the opaque material. She takes a long drag off her cigarette and then goes back to what she was doing.

Namely, looking at other students and then drawing the top card off a deck of cards. She would look at the card, then smile to herself, or frown. Occasionally a small laugh.

Then she sees the blue haired sorceress approaching. Taking another drag off the cigarette, Brooklyn Hall, shuffles her tarot cards again, but this time, she squats down so she can do a different kind of reading. She lays out three cards, and flips them over, muttering to herself as she does so.

"They... conflict? They cancel each other out, but leave things open for happiness and sorrow both. Disaster and celebration both, but all tinged with sadness. Interesting. I have to get to know her."

Picking up her tarot cards, she shuffles them back together.

Strong Allure, Maiden's Garb. +3 total.