Originally Posted by Mechalich
It's badly written, badly structured, badly characterized, and badly mishandles both pre-existing elements of Star Wars and essentially all new ones it introduces. The whole thing feels extremely sloppy and low effort.
This was my impression from the selections I read.

I haven’t read a Star Wars novel in years, and this sort of output is why.

Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard
*Into the Dark*
And this doesn’t sound much better.

Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard
Somehow the Sith sealed the space station boarding party into hibernation with magic statues, because these things reform after damage like the T1000, but fire and ejecting them into space seems to work, which... honestly, I'd expect a Sith Lord to think of?
Couldn’t they just torpedo the station?

I'd think that would be on the menu for a Sith Lord.

Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard
A lot of small continuity issues. At the start of the book, a particular room is established as scaled for humans to the point that a Lasat can't stand up straight in it. At the end, in a key scene, this Lasat jumps over humans to take a shot at the hostages they're protecting.

At the start of the book, a space station is established as being too dangerous to fire blasters in because it will reflect endlessly around the walls. There's a giant battle at the end and this never becomes an issue.
This is hasty writing and poor editing, and it does not reflect well on anyone involved.

Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard
I know I said this last time, but I'm not super enthused about this project going forward.
To borrow a line from Honest Trailers...this is how creativity dies, to thunderous applause.

Except no one’s applauding.