While Amos heads down to prepare a meal, Medic heads off to examine the rooms, deciding on one with a window for ventilation rather than any particular view. Setting down his bag and unpacking his medical supplies, as well as carefully setting up the new set alchemical tools the company had provided, all etched with the Acquisitions Inc. logo of course, the company was many things but it was certainly not subtle. Returning shortly after Amos gets back, he grabs a couple of the stuffed rolls, eating slowly while making a mental note of all the tools and other supplies he would need to purchase. He also reminded himself to stop at the local apothecary’s to see about getting a bulk rate on ingredients for healing potions, knowing the group would go through quite a few of them. Quickly returning his focus back to the present as his name is mentioned, ”Oh yes, you can go, you’ll certainly need it much more than I will, and you deserve a break after this fine meal. I’d also be glad to help any way I can with the garden, there are some medicinal plants it would be nice to keep a steady supply of.”