So, basically...

Law: Unity
Neutral: Prosperity
Chaos: Diversity

I've noticed that there are already divine roles associated with each of the nine alignments to varying degrees. They correspond pretty well to 5th Edition Cleric Domains, unsurprisingly, since those are meant to cover the common archetypes.

Lawful Good: The paladin god of paladins and justice. Strongly favors peace in general but the smiting of evil in particular. Protection domain.

Neutral Good: Nice, friendly goddess of healing, agriculture, family, and community. Wonders why everyone can't just get along. Tells followers to treat others with kindness and help those in need. In a position of power but somehow seemingly not a jerk of any variety, which deserves considerable respect. Life domain.

True Neutral: The druid god of druids and the wilderness. Regards this whole "civilization" business as frequently out of control and seeks to protect natural environments from artificial disruption. Nature domain.

Lawful Neutral: The death god of death and things staying dead and not moving around any more, dammit. Every life's beginning must be balanced with that life's eventual end. Hates mortals circumventing the whole mortality thing and undead in particular. Will allow someone to temporarily return to mortal life for a price. Is patient like that. Fees non-negotiable. Grave domain.

Lawful Evil: The tyrannical god of tyranny and conquest. Favored deity of those who want to take over the world or just part of it. Sees great honor to be had in battle, and greater honor to be had in victory. War domain.

Neutral Evil: The secretive god of murder, undeath, evil, darkness, and secrecy. Hates life and seeks to end it. You'd be alarmed to know how many cultists there are worshiping this deity, but on the plus side you never will. Lures followers in with promise of POWER, UNLIMITED POWER, MWAHAHA. Opportunities for advancement are many because there are always new openings. Death domain.

Chaotic Evil: The destructive god of destruction, storms, and raiders. Remember: pillage, then burn. Everything's gonna fall apart one day, and trying to build anything to last is a futile endeavor, so instead, get while the getting's good and smash anything and anyone who stands in your way. Tempest domain.

Chaotic Neutral: The trickster god of tricksters, thieves, and pranks. Sees sticking it to The Man as an end in itself. Possibly crazy; sanity is just so limiting, you know? Trickery domain.

Chaotic Good: Fun goddess of entertainment, art, and beauty. Wants to make the world a happier place. Likes music and dancing. Popular with hedonists too moral to follow the Trickster and peaceniks not altruistic enough to live up to the NG fertility goddess's standards. (She'll still take them, but her teaching make some people feel guilty.) Light domain.