[Outside the Office]

"Don't worry about that, Dr. Valiance. I will handle all the communication with HALO and you just focus on thinking of anything that we might encounter in there." She puts her hand on her hip and strokes her chin thoughtfully. "But the idea is that you and whatever scientists HALO can offer us will either be escorted down there by one of our teams or if you're that concerned of going down there, to at least have radio contact with them. Though I personally believe it would have more chance of success if you went down there with them. Now, as for your escort, I believe Anika Sunfletcher might actually be one of our better options as you recommended a medical team and she's a pretty capable healer that can also escort you. With actual medics on standby outside the facility of course. Have you met her? She's rather hard to miss, very tall, purple."