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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Apr 2020

    Default Re: Where does the "ToB is too strong" myth come from?

    Quote Originally Posted by icefractal View Post
    One reason I forgot -
    If you have a group of players with various levels of mechanical knowledge, and they all go build their characters separately, it's more likely for an op-savvy player to be the one who shows up with a ToB class, because it's more likely they've heard of it and don't find the added complexity (over a Barbarian, say) to be daunting. And unlike a caster, where an optimized and non-optimized one might look the same at first glance, here the more powerful characters come from a whole separate book and have distinctive mechanics.

    Same reason Psionics gets seen as OP, I think, where core casting doesn't.
    Interesting thought, and a good comparisonvto psionics.

    Then again, the same logic could apply to incarnum, and I've never seen anyone make that claim.

    Still, probably a part of the answer.
    Last edited by H_H_F_F; 2021-04-14 at 02:54 PM.