So, the real world way: Imbalances due to being born in some place instead of another, from some parents, with some amount of money. Inequalities are everywhere. And the same way as in the comic, it really is nobody's direct fault. Everyone tries to live as happily as they can, helping other people only if it doesn't make them too unhappy in the process. But there are efforts made to reduce inequalities, or at least help people with less opportunities due to their environment to live a decent life anyway. And that is the take-away from the "we gods can't change big things all at once". In real life, there isn't a Pantheon of Gods that can fix anything by snapping (depends on your religion, but nothing that sudden has been observed at least for a millenium). The "gods", that is to say, governments and big companies and organisation, cannot change things easily without getting overthrown or having unintended consequences. Religious terrorism and violent wars such as Vietnam haven't helped their cause that much, and often the exact opposite. But there is something we can do. Actions we can take without simply destroying the system. And that is the little laws, the multiple small changes that, in the end, make mentalities change. Nowadays is the part of history when the least proportion of people live in extreme poverty, die of illnesses or hunger, and are uneducated.
That is also one message that I found important in this strip. You have to understand the situation in a world to understand what is bad in it, and to be able to change it, even little by little.

OOTS has always had a message of acceptation and equality, but having a good character really try to understand what others have been through, and above all the source of it and find a way to help them is a great step forward. Thank you for continuing to give use this webcomic for so long.